Join us for our Church-wide Fast in the month of May!
More information below:

Type of Fast
For this fast during the month of May we will embark on a Biblical fast of no food for the personally selected duration of time. While we are fasting we may only intake water. Once we conclude our fast after every session we may go onto our regular diet of food.
Ezra 8:23 NLT
So we fasted and earnestly prayed that our God would take care of us, and he heard our prayer.
Step 1:
Choose 2 days to fast each week in the month of May
Step 2:
Choose the amount of time you will fast each day
Step 3:
Add to your daily prayer:
God, we want a greater move of your Spirit.
May we see the salvation of the 5 names.
Any heavy burden on your heart
Step 4:
Commit to joining Tuesday night prayer meetings at 7pm either in-person or via zoom.

Can I drink juices? Not with this fast. Water only.
Can I add flavor to my water? No, not for this fast.
What can I eat while i'm not fasting? Anything you'd like.
What if medically I cannot fast food and only drink water? Please consider joining the fast via Daniel's Fast.